Jedicut 2.4 – a new release

Hello Jerome,

Thanks for the new version. I’m really impressed; you’re doing a great job that is very useful for many model-making fans. Big thanks also for Alain and the other contributors. Jedicut and the forum are now one of the best sources of information about devices and software for CNC Hot Wire Cutter and it’s constantly developing (as the only one in the network I guess). Everyone who looks for information, ideas can find something relevant here. BRAVO!!!

I have two observations:

It would be useful to have the latest version number on the download page. There is a notification about new version available in the application, however this information might be beneficial for the users who use older versions.

Other thing: I noticed there is an old version of polish.xml file in the Lang folder. Attached you can find a new, third version of a translation that includes all changes of the 2.4.0 version


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