Re: Jedicut "VS" GMFC

Hi robert,

On this thread I ask french Jedicut and MM2001 users to post their Jedicut.ini file. There are actually 2 answers, and it works.

I think that someting on your operating system is in conflict with Jedicut like another driver (GMFC driver ?).

I hope you'll find the solution.

PS : It's normal that the motor signal is a little bit different between Jedicut and GMFC.

Re: Jedicut "VS" GMFC

Hi, Jerome!
Yesterday I have borrowed an old "empty" PC, with only WIN 98. I have downloaded "Jedicut" and everything was OK. Obviously, is in mine both PC`s, Jedicut in conflict with something. I have to find with what.
I have still noted, that in the same time when in the window "cut in progress" a new blue rectangle appears, the motors ( and heating currant) become one irregularly "impulse". Is that usual?
Regards Robert
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