Installation et utilisation en mode bootloader

Hallo Jerome

I like to program the adapter USB to Parallel. In the "Howto-bootloader.pdf" Mise a jour du firmware is a picture that shows a Fichler Hex "xtc-adapt-V1b.hex"
But a found in the zip-file only "xtc-adapt-MM-V2a.hex" and "xtc-adapt-SA-V1.2.hex".
I use Jedicut with a board for 4 Stepper publiked by Elektor Verlag 1n 1996. This works fine with Parallel-Port. It must be optimised,yet. But for USB I need the USB-Adapter. I constructed a "programmateur de pic" working also fine. Cost under 10 €.

If somebody is interested on the stepper-board may contact me and I will send him the description ( in German) included layout. Information for selfbuilding of a programmateur is

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