Manual motor movement


I have just recently been made aware of this software. In the past I have cut foam cores with a 'bow' cutter.
They come out reasonably well, however, a cnc hot wire cutter will do a better job. Hence my interest in this software.

I want to use a USB serial connection and have been testing the software with a Arduino Pro mini and the 'USBSerial.dll'.

Using my digital analyser the motor signals appear correct when performing a cut. However the manual movement of the motors
does not seem to work correctly if I understand correctly how the manual motor selection should work.

I assume by not selecting (ticking) the 'Dependence' box I can move all four motors independently?

If I select 'X1' and move 1mm I observe the following serial motor commands of hex 0x40. Which means Y1 direction but without clock.
This is confirmed with my analyser.

Selecting 'X2' gives hex 0x04. Therefore Y1 clocks and direction low.
Selecting 'Y1' gives hex 0x10 and 'Y2' gives hex 0x01.

Please advise.


Re: Manual motor movement

Bonjour Marty

Oui, le fait de décocher "dépendance" permet de commander les moteurs individuellement.

Pour le reste, il faudrait nous préciser, la version du sketch chargé dans l'arduino, la version de jedicut, quels signaux sont observé avec l'analyseur numérique?.

Un petit croquis à main levée serait bien pratique pour se comprendre.

Hello Marty

Yes, unchecking "dependency" allows to control the engines individually.

For the rest, we should specify, the version of the sketch loaded in the arduino, the version of jedicut, what signals are observed with the digital analyzer ?.

A small freehand sketch would be very useful to understand each other.


Re: Manual motor movement

Hi Areoden,

I have tried to attach some screen shots ( .png extension attachments) of the analyser serial commands and motor signals but I am not having much success.
I can add the files but they are not included when I submit my post?

The Arduino sketch is 'fcifmdlcnc' from Jerome's Github extensions.


Re: Manual motor movement

Bonjour Marty
Pour insérer des images, il faut qu'elles soient stockées dans un "cloud" et ensuite vous inserez l'adresse complète de l'image dans le message.
Les sketchs à utiliser sont décrits et l'adresse de téléchargement dans la conversation suivante (#133 et #134):
Bonnes recherches.
Hello Marty
To insert images, they must be stored in a "cloud" and then you insert the full address of the image in the message.
The sketches to use are described and the download address in the following conversation (# 133 and # 134):
[url] viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9691&start=130 [/ url]
Good research.

Re: Manual motor movement

Hi Alain,

OK. Here is a link to a screenshot of the signals received by my Atmega Pro mini with only X1 axis selected .

And the following for just Y1 selected.

In each image bottom right are the first few serial commands received. You will notice the motors on command 'A' followed by '1', motor speed command 'F' followed by '20' and then subsequent motor commands.

The top channel is a trigger pin which is fired every timer1 interrupt. The next channel is the X1 clock pin, X1 direction pin, Y1 clock pin, Y1 direction pin and finally the Serial RXD pin.

You will notice the traces match the received serial motor commands but it is not what I expect too see.
For X1 axis the motor commands should be '0x11' and for Y1 axis '0x44' or '0x01' and '0x04' it depends on direction.

Hope this helps clarify.


Re: Manual motor movement

Après étude des images, votre théorie sur les valeurs des octets suivant la commande "M" est bonne, ce sont bien les 4 bits de poids faible pour les steps et les 4 bits de poids fort pour les directions.
Ce qui ne me parait pas normal, c'est le timer1 car dans mes sketchs j'utilise le timer5 .
Les dernières versions de sketch sont "fcaldenmega_1-2-3" ou " fcaldenmega_2-4-3" avec le plugin "USBSerial_2.dll", il faut aussi, bien configurer Jedicut comme dans ma notice "AD/JED/JAR01 rev 6 du 8/06/2018 page 21-22-23".
Tout ceci est contenu dans le dossier complet en téléchargement ici : ... WQzS1FOQ2s
After studying the images, your theory on the values of the bytes following the command "M" is good, it is the 4 bits of least weight for the steps and the 4 bits of high weight for the directions.
What does not seem normal to me is the timer1 because in my skits I use the timer5.
The latest versions of sketch are "fcaldenmega_1-2-3" or "fcaldenmega_2-4-3" with the plugin "USBSerial_2.dll", it is also necessary, well configure Jedicut as in my record "AD / JED / JAR01 rev 6 of 8/06/2018 page 21-22-23 ".
All this is contained in the complete file for download here: [url] [/ url]
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