Re: A couple questions about cutting shapes


Now that the heat control is finished are you going work on the cutting wizard? Luke's problem about trying to cut two different shapes square at one side and a circle at the other side and then Jedicut cutting a shape that is neither a square nor a circle.


Also I was playing with the fuselage cut tool and I don't see where to align the two shapes.

I used Photoshop to try and show what I'm talking about in the attached file.
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Re: A couple questions about cutting shapes

On July 3rd you said this:

Hi steve,

You ask a difficult function. First I need to control my heating control because there is some problem, but after that I'll take a look at this.


I was asking if you had fixed the problem.

It seems based on Luke's and others comments that in the cutting wizard that the larger the offset is set then the larger the error in the cut. I would think this is a higher priority than the heat control as heat control can be adjusted manually outside of Jedicut.

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