Question on cutting two different shaped airfoils

If the wing I'm going to cut has a different airfoil shape at the tip than the shape at the root will Jedicut accurately reproduce both shapes? The reason I ask is in the other thread that I started the cutting wizard seems to not be able to accurately cut two different shapes between the tip and root. If Jedicut CAN accurately cut two different airfoil shapes then how is that different from cutting any two different shapes?


Re: Question on cutting two different shaped airfoils


Yes, Jedicut can cut both different shape. And if you use key point functionality, you can control how Jedicut will synchronize the corresponding movement. But if you use the cutting wizard to cut wing very smaller than the distance between X1 and X2 axis on your board, the two shapes will be distort and it's normal : it's a problem of geometry ;)

I'm working on an automatic control of shapes and if one day this functionality works, you will put the foam on the table and just start the cut... One day ;)
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