Re: Jeducut with TB6560 4axis cnc board - if possible

I tried all the dll's and none works.

The only DLL that seems to 'almost' work is the CncNet_win_XP_Vista bit it gets an error popup... see attached file.

When I tell it to do a long movement with the CncNet_win_XP_Vista, ignore the popup error and then use the parallel port monitor and toggle pin 1 (general enable signal)... the motor move.

In any case, the general 'enable' signal is always the opposite of what this board needs.

See controller doc here : ... 747b4.html

So can I try next. do you have these DLL's with ability to change the polarity

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Re: Jeducut with TB6560 4axis cnc board - if possible

Tell me exactly what you want because I have difficulties to understand.

pin 1 for general Enable signals.
High level signal to enable your board.
Low level signal (0) to unable your board.

Is it right ?

Yesterday I did a quick modification on cncnet_xp.dll to invert high and low level on this signal. Are you sure that you use the dll I posted before and that you choose it in Jedicut's settings ?

Re: Jeducut with TB6560 4axis cnc board - if possible


1) Yes I am sure I put the the new DLL in that directory and slected it. (I renamed the old one to cncnet_xp_old.dll and it showed in the gui menu as cncnet_xp_old.dll)
2) Did you try the Parmon utility on your computer ? On my machine it does not look like you are stetting the motor enable pin to high on ANY of the dll's (I told it it is pin 1 on the DB-25)
3) You can see here : ... 747b4.html the mach3 settings that my board is using and when I use mach3 is moves just fine.

Thanks !!!!

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