The stepper ist allways to slow

Hallo Jerome,

I have the stepper board with L297/L298. My PC ist an older one with Windows XP SP2.

After learnig by try and error the motors work nearly satisfied, but to slow. For one revolution with 200 steps (=1,25 mm) I need 8 seconds.

My oscilloscop shows me 40 ms from step to step. Can you give me a tip?

Danke Laubi

Re: The stepper ist allways to slow

Hello Jerome

I tried profil s1020.dat and others

Motor not synchronisied, no externer timer

Way (mm) per Step i.e. 0,05 (I tried also from 0,1 to 0,01) all Motors
Feed (Vorschub) 500 on normal and quickly for all Motors

hot wire = 400 mm
x-axis (mm) =1000

Modify all values brought no change of speed

Vertical synchronous movement does'nt get out of polystyrene

Thanks for helping


Re: The stepper ist allways to slow


there is no such a jumper. I attach a file. This is the well known Stepper Driver with IC' L297 and L298. There is extra IC3 which allows to drive the stepper without CLK Signal. Q1 to Q7 in K1 together with P2 gives rotation speeds. GATE must be high.

I use only Signal ENABLE, CLK and CW/CCW from the PC

SYNC is used for synchronisation with other boards.

Because the other question i will send you a plot

Fichiers joints
Schrittmotor 001.jpg Schrittmotor 001.jpg Vu 4498 fois 133.64 Kio

Re: The stepper ist allways to slow


Did you get the attached file at last y
Sorry I misunderstand your question because a jumper. There is an internal oscillator. With SYNC you can synchronice with other boards. The CLOCK is then output to PC which can read the number of steps. With IC3 and K1 you can divide the number of steps controlled by P2 , R11 and C1.

With GATE low the IC3 is locked.

But I mean the PC has to controll the step rate and not opposite ?

MODE controls the magnetic flow in motor (phase chopping).

I can send you the description but only in Deutsch!

Fichiers joints
Plot.jpg Plot.jpg Vu 4498 fois 120.84 Kio

Re: The stepper ist allways to slow

Hello Jerome

I have good news: Allways I used VisualCNC_XP. But with MaxCom_XP I got a good speed. Code Emplanture is 2000 and the plot shows a lengs of 208 mm. The X-speed is 3 mm/s.

Nb mm/pas is 0,03

Vitess de Decupe and Rapide is 100 000 and no timer externe used
I can not understand that this may be in mm

In Cycle de decoupe I have no Verticale and Horizontale goes straight ahead through the profil and not outside. The Cycle de decoupe is like your examble.


Re: The stepper ist allways to slow

I tried to send all descriptions and the layout as attachment. But the other files are to big.

If you give me your eMail, I will send all to you. Included a board-layout written in Sprint-Layout 5. You may that print to film to take it on Cu-board. So you have it 1:1
Sprint-Layout.exe you can download from Internet.

Fichiers joints
Stepper2.jpg Stepper2.jpg Vu 4498 fois 133.79 Kio
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