Question about profile and Jedicut


I have a few questions about the profile behaivour of Jedicut.

Lets look for example on two DAT files which makes a cut.

1. Square 30x30:
30 0
30 30
0 30
0 0
30 0

2. Square 40x40
40 0
40 40
0 40
0 0
40 0

When I open in Jedicut the profile looks OK on the preview but the square is divided into "Above" and "Below" (see attached screenshot 30x30.png).

When I want to do a cut with these two porfiles I open the large (40x40) on the root and the smaller (30x30) on the tip - (see attached screenshot newCut.png)

When I look into the Cut cycle of cut it looks strange (see attached screenshot cycle1.png and cycle2.png). It seems that Jedicut has decided to split the square into two paths (internal and external which looks like the above and below from the profile screen). If I try to move points 1 and two, sometimes all the square is in External, and sometimes int's in Internal, and sometimes it just disappears.

Please help me understand how to approach this, and what is points 1 and 2.

Fichiers joints
cycle1.png cycle1.png Vu 2635 fois 60.26 Kio
cycle2.png cycle2.png Vu 2635 fois 64.73 Kio
newCut.png newCut.png Vu 2635 fois 32.59 Kio
30x30.png 30x30.png Vu 2635 fois 2.58 Kio

Re: Question about profile and Jedicut

Thanks for your quick response.

I didn't see the invert checkbox before :).

Another question please:
If I do a taper cut, is there a way that I can see the foam block size needed in the cut simulation?. I currently can see the block with the maximum travel path of each engine, but I dont know exactly how much foam I need considering the fact that I can put the foam on a stage to make it higher. I hope my question is not too confusing.

Small advice/feature request: Can you please change the color of the path of one of the sides (x1y1 or x2y2), so that it will be easier to understand the path of each side when both engines are selected in the simulator.

Thanks again for this great program.
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