Re: using DAT file from airfoiltools

Thanks Jerome!
It seems it doesn't matter which one I use, I always get that message as soon as I start the cutting wizzard or try to start the cut. I typed a few numbers in and saved the 'profile' with Jedicut to make sure it's not the file format but the same. Attached the files and a screen shot. I'm using the newest version plus the usbserial plugin.

Re: using DAT file from airfoiltools


I took a look at your problem with Jedicut 2.3.4 build 0. I don't succeed in reproducing the problem.

Can you use the Jedicut.exe file which seems to have a problem, and click on the entry menu called "About" and confirm Jedicut version ?

How do you install Jedicut : you used installer or archive file ?

Last question, can you post your Jedicut*.ini files ? (control how many files of that type you have on your computer).

Re: using DAT file from airfoiltools

So, first answer: yes, it's 2.3.4 build 0
I uninstalled Jedicut, deleted all files, deleted everything in the registry related to Jedicut, and then installed Jedicut fresh using the installer.
After that it seems there are 3 Jedicut.ini files:
(attachment jedicutinifiles.JPG)

Jedicut.ini is also attached ( I had to rename it to be able post it here to .dat )
My computer runs Windows 10 64bit.

The error 2003 is still there; as soon as I hit "Cut Preview" or "Cut" + "Ok" in the next step.

Then I took my laptop, installed Jedicut there and it shows the same error.
Fichiers joints
jedicut ini files.JPG jedicut ini files.JPG Vu 5413 fois 21.52 Kio

Re: using DAT file from airfoiltools

Well, I tried an older laptop with windows 8. I used the zip file here. This one complains after starting jedicut : "Unable to extract IO.SYS. Log in as a user who has such permission". Ignoring all these messages (10 times) I can work in Jedicut. I type in a basic airfoil and a wing cut -> same erruer 2003.
I can't belive I'm the only one. This laptop is an old one that I've never used myself and has none of my other stuff on there, pretty basic Windows 8.
Could it be language, or time zone?
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