Re: Parallel port address

Vincent & Steve

You are mixing up Dave's settings with my settings

Dave's is FE98

Rob's is CC00;) I can not access my card to see the mode setting should it be EPP or ECP.
I am spending to much time with this problem. It would be good to get it working:( So I will build a pc with a parallel mother board.
I have lots of old pc's in my work shop.

Rob (not Dave);)

Re: Parallel port address

Oops sorry :-)

Rob, what is your interface for the motors ? May my plug-in doesn't work with anothers interfaces cards than the MM2001.

You works under Windows XP ? Service Pack Version ? 32 or 64 bits ?

Jedicut's version ?

When you choose the plug-in in list, the description must be "Utilisation de la MM2001 avec systèmes Windows 32 et 64bits. Adresse du port paralèlle : CC00" , is it OK ?

Are the numbers pins correct in jedicut's configuration (motor speed, timer, clockwise/counterclockwise...) ?

when has occured this fatal error exactly ? when you launch a cut cycle ? in the manual control interface ?

Please give me a maximum of detail :-)

Re: Parallel port address

I use the cncnet_xp.dll with no timer. This works with my TB6560 board on my desk top pc in doors but pin 10 on the parallel port is not working so I can not use a timer this is why I got the pci card.
I have made a lead so the wiring matchs the mm2001 boards.
I have windows xp service pack 3 32 bits installed
Jecicut 2.2.2
Yes I do see the correct base address
Pins and motor are correct. No timer? (Do I need a Timer)
Manual works no problem this is what made me think it would work under cut.
When I start a cut the error screen appears.

I may have had a mistake in thinking this was a generic driver as long as I matched the pin outputs for the mm2001 board:S
Can I get a mm2001 board I live in the UK.
Thanks for your help Vincent.

Re: Parallel port address

Rob, sorry for the address confusion, but you did say you had the "same problem" as the OP, and didn't indicate a different error message or address. Best when asking others to troubleshoot to start a new thread with full details, particularly since your problem may be different.

Now, to answer a couple of points, I use a non-M001 board (HobbyCNC) with the M001 driver, and it works fine. So it sems if you have made up a cable that mimics the functions you are half way there. However there can be other interface issues -- for instance, are your board's pins active high or active low?

Another question I have is why LPT3? Where are LPT1 and 2?

If possible, you might consider re-routing your actual printer port, and using a more standard (older) parallel port hex address for the stepper board.

Another thing you can do is download TurboCNC, which is a DOS program -- it has many setup options (like changing pin bits from active low to active high, etc.) You could use this to test what works with your board and port, and than transfer that knowledge to the Jedicut setup.


TurboCNC also includes in the .zip a small dos utility to test and read back your parallel port pins which is invaluable in troubleshooting.

Also check out this parallel port interfacing FAQ -- you might find a specific answer to your problem there:

Parallel Port Interfacing FAQ

hope this helps.


Re: Parallel port address

Thanks Steve
Sorry if I confused the issue.
The error message is the same when I attempt a cut (00006B56), It works in manual mode with the pci card.
Its when I use a PCI parallel card that I have problems because I have no on board parallel port on my workshop pc.
My board works well with a standard mother board parallel connection. (The pc I have at home)
My board works with active high.
Used Hex no joy
Re-routing printer port there is not one on the pc I would like to use.
lpt3 is what jedicut see's with my pci card.
Thanks again for your help.


Re: Parallel port address

[quote=Rob] Re-routing printer port there is not one on the pc I would like to use. [/quote]

I mean try changing XP's Printer Port Properties to "Basic Configuration 0001" for LPT3 in Device manager -- see attached .png This will give you a commonly used port address that Jedicut might find easier to recognize.

Please answer Vincent's question first, of course.
Fichiers joints
PortProperties.png PortProperties.png Vu 6742 fois 22.61 Kio
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