Jedicut 2.3.2 : improvements and corrections

Confirmation window for CNC cutting

This window shows the heating control mode you select manually on your CNC board. I changed the display to make it more efficient.

Now you can read:

  • “PC” when it is the PC handle the heating value.
  • “External” when you choose to set heating value manually from the CNC board.
  • “N/A”, used for CNC board without signal to indicate this information.

Heating control wizard

The G4M adapter doesn’t have signal to indicate the heating value when the heating control is set to “manually” on your board. It’s not embarrassing for CFMG, it was for Jedicut.

I improve the heating control wizard.

You can set up wire heating values like that :

  1. You click on “Measure 1”,
  2. You click in the check box that is next to the percentage of heating value (see illustration),
  3. You specify a heating value that you want to send to the CNC board,
  4. You select a slow speed,
  5. You click on “Test”.

If heating value is “ok” for you, click on “Save” button. If not, change the heating value and click on “Test” button to try again.

When the first measure is ok, click on “measure 2” and repeat the test with a high speed value (as fast as possible).

Bug fixed

Since the previous version of Jedicut, there is a bug in the display of cutting project when you prepare more than one cutting project at a time (when you had multiple tabs). It’s fixed.

The arrow settings disappeared when you open the window of cutting cycle manager : fixed.

A little extra

I don’t know about you, but I’m used to exit of windows software configuration by pressing the “Esc” key. The effect is the same as clicking on the cross, or clicking on “Cancel”. It’s just faster!

I never put it up on Jedicut. It is now done, and the navigation in Jedicut is really faster.

As usual, if you find new bugs, if you have new ideas, come and share it on the forum of the CNC cutting.