The Jedicut’s store offers products tested and recommended by the community. Jedicut isn’t an online store, but Jedicut share links to reputable online stores, like Amazon, a quality online store known to all. Amazon links are sponsored links : with every sale, a few cents are donated to Jedicut’s website. I use it to pay web server. Thank you 😉

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Arduino boards


Kit Arduino 1

Complete kit Arduino Mega 2560, Ramps 1.4, drivers A4988, without screen.


Kit Arduino 2

Complete kit Arduino Mega 2560, Ramps 1.4, drivers A4988, with screen.


Arduino Mega

Arduino Mega 2560 only.


CNC power supply

Power supply for your CNC controler.


Hot wire power supply

Power supply for hot wire.


Power supplies


Les cartes  Aeroden

No store, no sponsored links, but a passionate about CNC and Jedicut who share its works. : Contact Aeroden with private message on Jedicut’s forum.

Jedicut-Alden kit

Jedicut-Alden kit

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Simple GRBL kit

Simple boards kit for Jedicut et GRBL (without motor-side connection boards).

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Complete GRBL kit

Complete boards kit for Jedicut et GRBL (without motor-side connection boards).

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Other online shop

No affiliation, just good web adress recommended by Jedicut’s community.


Bearings and other material

Grossiste 3D

Good wire for 3D printing


Circuit board manufacturer

Do you have some hardware to offer ?

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